Express Your Purpose

One of my absolute favorite CCT tools. We all know how hard it is to focus in these distraction filled, multitasking times. I don’t know anyone who has not talked to me about having more and more trouble keeping their attention where they want it.  I don’t know what I would do with out this protocol, which allows me to focus at will no matter what is going on around me. This is not a protocol for Healing or Transformation. Is a wonderful tool for focused action and is used only for yourself.

Who it’s for:

  • Do you ever procrastinate or feel stuck, as a writer or artist in any aspect of your life?
  • Are you energetically sensitive or highly intuitive and often overwhelmed by the energy of others?
  • Do you want laser-focused attention on call? (I’ve used it to finish my taxes)


  •  Provides you with a simple protocol for laser focus of your own creative voice and purpose for a specific creative project.
  •  Energetic protection in crowds etc.
  • Supports empaths to focus on their own voice.
  •  Supports and aligns you to the Expression of Your Purpose, whatever your purpose in the moment.
  •  If your sleep is disturbed by energies around you, can use it for sleep.


  •  One day weekend live online webinar course.
  • Three modules 1:5 hrs each throughout this day, with breaks for lunch and assimilation.
  • One Activation & 2 Energy Meditations some of which will be delivered during the week preceding the course so that you can begin to assimilate the energy.


There are no prerequisites for this course.